Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello. It's time to change Christmas. It needs to be about sharing with others, not lining big retailers pockets. There is guilt laid on everyone to buy the right gift...or just to buy a gift. It's BULLSHIT! I was out yesterday for a bit, buying gifts for the Boys & Girls homes. Gifts for children who can't be at home for the holidays makes some sense...but Wii games?!? I parked my 1999 2-door Pontiac and as I dragged my fat ass out, the large door tapped the car next to me. I looked at the foreign SUV and couldn't see a mark in the dirt. As I walked towards the store, a woman swung her door open and hollered, "I put enough dents in this thing, I don't need your help!" I hadn't notice there was someone in the car. I stopped... smiled... and said, "I don't think I dented anything." I took a second look and still didn't see any "dent". She snarled some more and drove off. Ahh, the spirit of Christmas.

Not drinking is weird. People think there is something wrong with you. Can't a guy just lay off the booze for a few days? It does feel odd to sit in a bar with my buddies and drink Sprite. I sure do like it the next day. I'm not quitting, I'm just taking a break. If someone chooses to drink less, we should be supportive. Maybe more of us should have pushed George to take a break. I think people can do whatever they like...even if it's committing vodka-suicide. It's not my place to tell them what to do. Or is it?

Hugs are great. I'm not talking about putting your arms around someone like you're afraid you'll catch a disease from them. I'm talking about wrapping your arms around a person and holding them tight, feeling their spirit, taking a deep breath and becoming one. Try it sometime. It can be unforgettable.


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