Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello. 2010 is just like 2009...well except the numbers are different. The only way a new year, or decade for that matter, will change is if you do something different. Deep change. I'm ready.

Templeton Rye is very good whisky! A glass of Templeton with a little frozen water is grand. Once again I'm proving that the better the liquor, the better you feel the next day. However, for some reason, I can't drink like I used to. Maybe that's a good thing. Templeton is distilled in Templeton, Iowa. It was bootlegged until a couple of years ago. Now it is commercially available at most of your favorite booze huts. The bootlegged stuff had more mystique, but I rarely got to enjoy it.

All of the trees had a coat of frosting on them this morning. It is pretty. As pretty as cold, barren trees can be. I heard something on NPR yesterday about people who were such strangers to snow, they were afraid to walk on it. Put yourself in a mind-set that you have never seen snow before. It is a wondrous sight. My children and grandchildren have never seen snow like we have now. My daughter is 28. This is an unusual snow. I've seen worse. I need to go sledding.


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