Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I started to write several blogs since last Tuesday, but just couldn't complete them. I think it's where my head is right now, incomplete. I'm trying to be very cautious about the steps I take towards the future. My mind is closed for inventory. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, I see mid-life as a great opportunity to make the second half very cool. The first half was good, I want the second half to be better.

In the first half I reached some of my goals, and then let go of them. I think I tried to reach too many goals. I want to be more secure about my direction this time around. I need to focus on things that are right in front of me, instead of dreaming so much. When you're young, it's great to dream. Now I have to work on things I can reach instead of chasing a wisp of smoke.

I learned a great deal in the first half. Like a good football coach, I want to make the right half-time adjustments. It's going to be hard to make some easy decisions. I'm going to go back to my original plan and rely on my strengths. I'm not going to let others steer me down a path I don't want to travel. I need to spend some time alone...thinking.


Blogger Chris the Hippie said...

When I was a kid, my plan went thusly:

Join the Army National Guard when I turn 17 and go to Basic Training. Finish high school whilst in the Guard. Once done with high school, transfer to Regular Army for three years and pile up a bunch of money for school. When discharged from the Army at the ripe old age of 20 or 21 with three or four years' service under my belt, go to college.

In reality, I joined the Army Guard, just as planned. Then I met a girl with perky boobies who smiled at me. So I never did join the Regular Army 'cause I didn't want to leave her behind. I ended up drifting into college right out of high school, without any sense of direction, and without any financial resources. I ended up breaking up with the girl with the perky boobies, getting a degree in a field I'm not all that good at, and facing a lifetime of debt due to student loans.

The moral? Plans are important, but so is commitment to those plans. In hindsight, I would have been a LOT better off had I followed my original plan. I shouldn't have let the perky boobs distract me from my goal. Ain't hindsight grand?

Wed Jan 30, 11:50:00 AM

Blogger Bluzlover said...

AH...the root of all evil, perky boobies! But seriously, a person should follow their dream...to the end. I think we all have the chance to right the canoe. I'm just hoping I can use what I've learned and figure out which side of the damn thing floats.

Wed Jan 30, 04:06:00 PM


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