Friday, July 11, 2008

Hello and welcome to the weekend, or simply Friday for those of you who don't have the days off. I've been thinking lately how one slip of the heart can cause ripples in your life that never end. We've all done something without a second thought to the consequences. In a bright flash of life we let our heart take the wheel. Whether it's a business deal, a friendly conversation or a romantic situation, the heart can make bad decisions. Unfortunately our heart can't be trusted. After all it can be reckless and emotional in the same beat. Our soul, our pride and our true expression is locked up in that little fist-sized thumper.

The heart lives for the moment, never thinking about the past or the future. There are times when we have to step on our heart and say, "Stop, you trouble-maker!" The more free spirited you are, the harder it is to put a leash on it. I think you need to let the love-muscle go wild, as long as it's aimed in the right direction. Stifling the heart can lead to grey hair and deep lines on your face.

They say time heals all wounds. The time has to be spent filling the heart with good things pushing out the bad. Then the ripples of tears will disappear into a life of smiles.



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