Thursday, March 20, 2008

Will Barack be able to thank a man of God for destroying his chances to become the most powerful man in the world? Do we want the most powerful man in the world to have those kinds of beliefs? Now, Obama might not be steadfast to the preachings of his close friend, but if much of this guy has sunk in to Barack, I'm scared. This sounds very racist to me. I don't want Al Sharpton in sheep's clothing in the White House.

I'm the first to say that America has done some wrongs over the years. But I think shouting, "God damn America, God damn America," at the top of your lungs is going a little too far. I mean, I don't think we should have been so surprised when we were attacked on 9/11. "How dare they return the favor." But to suggest that we deserved it for treating blacks poorly over the years seems like a stretch. The two don't have any relevance to each other in my eyes. I'm sure someone could clear this up for me.

It's interesting that it took this long for Reverend Wright's madness to surface. Some of the sermons that are popular fare on YouTube today are from 2003. I don't think a person's religious beliefs should be a large part of their electability, but I don't see these as religious remarks. They are racist and ridiculous! So far, Barack has stood by his you stand by your drunk friend after he pukes on the cops shoes. "Yea, I came with him, but I'm catching a cab ride home."


Blogger Chris the Hippie said...

Yeah, the preacher sure put Obama in a tough place. Obama has to prove to the wingnuts that he's NOT a Muslim, so he has to acknowledge the church he's gone to for twenty-some years... But on the other hand, his preacher went whacko soon as the spotlight was turned his direction, so he has to distance himself from the church he needs to be close to.


Fri Mar 21, 11:05:00 AM


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