Friday, December 14, 2007

I read an article in the local rag yesterday about a patch of marijuana the cops found growing along some creek in Sioux County. The comments people wrote in about this cracked me up. They were all righteous about destroying the "weed" because it leads to meth use. Come on! Pot is not a gateway drug. It is the only party favor I'm aware of that does not require any processing. You know, alcohol or cocaine don't do much for you in their raw form. And of course meth is made from antifreeze or whatever so it's totally man made.

Maybe God put pot on earth for a reason. The story goes that He (or She) put animals and plants here to sustain man. Makes you think. Who do suppose was sitting around one day making a rope and thought, "I wonder if I could smoke this stuff?" How many things do you think they smoked before they said, "let's try that hemp again, it's good shit." I think the world would be a better place if alcohol was illegal and marijuana was OK.

Along these lines of thought, who do you suppose looked at a mushroom and decided that it looked good enough to eat? It would have been cool to be the first one to eat a mushroom and take a trip for a few days, haha. How about the egg? "Hey, Bert, instead of waiting for that chick to be born, I'm gonna eat the egg!" Or, who thought it would look cool to stick a ring through your nostril, or tongue, or penis? "Hey, I've got a great idea, I'm going to slide this hot needle through the end of my penis." What!?!?

Just some weird thoughts for the weekend.


Blogger Chris the Hippie said...

Weird thoughts indeed! Kinda like the first person to think, "Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if I sucked on that cow's udder..."

Sat Dec 15, 07:21:00 PM


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