Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hello. I'm SO MAD! I have recently heard of people telling lies about something I supposedly did. Now, I've done plenty of bad things in my life. If someone chooses to slam me as a result, I deserve it. But, when I'm being accused of things I didn't do, I get very pissed off! I don't understand why people talk about others behind their back. When it's not true it makes even less sense. I've always felt that if someone has a problem with something I've done or said, they should come to me in person. That's how I try to handle things. Some people just aren't strong enough apparently. It's easier for them to spread lies to others than to face me.

I've been on this planet for almost 50 years, so obviously, this is not the first time this has happened. I doubt if it will be the last. I deal with these things head on. I confront the person, or persons face to face. It can become very uncomfortable. You know some people thrive on this crap. Some people live through other people's life issues. I guess it's because they don't have a life of their own. The last thing I need is to involve myself with other people's problems.

Over the years, I have bitten my tongue, to avoid making someone else look bad. I don't think it's my place, or anyone else, to make derogatory statements about other people. Unfortunately, some of the people I have "protected" are the first ones to slam me behind my back. Sioux Town is a small town. Word travels fast. I think people tend to forget this. They say or do something, and then realize..."Oh shit, who was looking or listening?!" I'm guilty. I've done this a lot less in the last 25 years or so, but every now and then I slip. Sometimes I make a huge slip. I've really been making a conscious effort lately to think before opening my mouth or making a decision. It's definitely better to say nothing, than something you'll regret later.

I don't look forward to dealing with these things, but I have to make my position known. It generally puts a strain on the relationship I have with the person. It could even end the relationship. But, over the years, things like this have separated acquaintances from true friends. I know who my true friends are.


Blogger Chris the Hippie said...

Well NOW I'm curious... But I don't need to know.

Good luck! I hope things turn out okay...

Wed Apr 02, 04:58:00 PM


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