Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hello. The weather seems to be getting to everyone I'm in contact with. This will surely go down in history as one of the worst, and longest, winters in Sioux Town. I'm hoping that spring will bring fresh attitudes and smiling faces. Apparently the hearty souls of this small Midwest town are not ready for long, cold, snowy winters. April, is that you in the distance waving in the warm breeze. Oh, how I long to be together again.

A good friend of ours was whisky-talking the other night about the dislike for each other her and her mate have shared lately. She commented on 29 years of being together...along with too many nights "trapped" in the house by old man winter. It made me think. Is it logical for two people to spend 30, 40, 50 or more years together? Can they stay happy? Many couples have. Well, they've stayed together. Humans are one of the only species to mate for life...and Canadian geese. Honk!

The human ego is an ugly monster. We all battle this demon, unfortunately some can't control him...or her. Being in the live entertainment promotion business I have dealt with some evil egos. I guess it takes a big ego to get on stage and perform. Some of these entertainers forget to hide their ego when they step off the stage. Hey buddy, no one is paying attention to you...get over your self. None of us should take ourselves too seriously. I remind myself of this daily.


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