I'm sitting in the Chinese joint with my wife and I open my fortune cookie and I had to laugh...alot! The little strip of paper said "You will be unusually successful in business." After the last few days, months, oh wait...years it is really ironic. Do these little Chinese fellas that put the message in the cookies know something? Is it a cruel joke? At least I still have my sense of humor. Why not, they can't take away my birthday. Maybe the third time will be a charm. I am learning something everyday, most of it valuable. I have read that many of the most successful people in the world failed more than once. It might be part of the process, makes you try harder. It makes me pay attention to things that I used to ignore. The years have made me think before flapping my lips. I also think it hardens you. Have you ever noticed that most successful people are not kind. Most of them are pricks! As always, there are exceptions to every rule. I struggle with being hard, I don't like being hard. Maybe that is why I've never made it big. Maybe deep inside I don't want to be big. I need to think about this. What the hell, I'm in business, I need to harden some. Maybe I could be the guy who changes the old saying to...
"Nice guys finish first." I hope the Chinese know what they are writing.