Did my last blog sound bitter? No, I'm not bitter, I'm disappointed, I'm disgusted and I'm pissed off! It may not sound like it, but I happen to like Sioux City. If I didn't, I wouldn't continue trying to make it a better place to live... I'd move. Sioux City is pretty nice town, situated on the banks of the Missouri River and the tail end of the Loess Hills. It has the potential to be a very cool place. That is why I get so pissed, when someone in town tries to create a better lifestyle for the town, and the masses choose to stay on the couch in their living rooms. SHIT, GODDAMN, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND JAM! (...a 60's flashback.)
The land of Sioux could be so cool! We have one of the best music festivals in the Midwest in Saturday in the Park, (saturdayinthepark.com) which draws over 25,000 people each year. A merry little band of "Rennies" host a growing Renaissance festival every year. The locals support these events fairly well. However, they are FREE. Sioux City's moto should be "if it's for free it's for me." There are so many "for pay" things happening that don't get any support. A community grows and thrives when it's citizens join together to spread the love... and the cash.
All I can say is, no matter where you live, get off your ass and join the living. There isn't much going on in your living room. There are sporting events, cultural events and new experiences in towns and cities across the land. Don't miss out!