It's odd, I feel like I have a lot of crap rattling around in my head, yet I'm struggling to put it in writing. I guess maybe the problem is that I have several things in my life right now that aren't very clear. I have some great shows lined up at the Chesterfield, but my involvement is not the same, so my perspective is different. I think part of it is my lack of controlling the situation. I'm used to being in total control, and now I feel like I'm standing on the sidelines. For my own sanity, I'll have to step in and take control of the show tonight. We have quite a bit riding on this one, and I want it to go well.
All I can do is deal with the issues in my life one at a time. I'm sure that it will all work out cool. If things work out, things will be much better in the next few months. Our lives will become much less complicated. I'm excited about breathing new life into my graphics career. After basically taking 2 years off, I'm ready to get back at it. I need to brush up on some things and get in front of some people I haven't seen in a while. Actually it's been almost 6 years since I've devoted my efforts to promoting digital print and graphics. It might scare everyone to see what I can do! The next couple of weeks are going to be full of many distractions, but after that I will jump in head first!