I just read on CNN.com that the courts sentenced Michael Devlin, the dude who was busted for kidnapping in January 2007. This guy had kept the first kid he nabbed for over 4 years and then grabbed the second kid, but was sloppy. They raided his apartment a few days after the second kid was lifted. He was sentenced to 74 life terms in solitary. I never understand multiple life sentences. I mean if you were a cat I could understand 9 life sentences, but 74?!?
I question the logic behind a life sentence as opposed to death. He has to spend the rest of his life alone. Sitting in his cell alone, eating dinner alone, showering alone, excersising alone. What a drag! How is keeping him alive a benefit to anyone. From what I've seen it appears this guy got a pretty stiff sentence. This guy didn't kill these kids. Now, I realize that people have been sentenced to life and eventually been proven innocent. So, there is the chance of putting an innocent person to death. I don't know the answer. Spending the rest of your life in solitary confinement would certainly be a worse fate than death. It will definitely cost John Q. Public more as well.
I thought about this a little. It would be awful to be alone for the rest of your life. I like to be alone at times, but not forever. The article said that he would be able to have visits through a glass wall. But he will never have interaction with a human again. Boy, you would get to know yourself pretty damn good. I think I would have imaginary friends. I would have conversations with me, myself and I. I think your mind would go numb. After a while, I think I'd rather be dead. I guess that's the punishment...wishing you were dead.