Hello and welcome to Rainyday. Just about every day I go home for lunch and a brief visit with the sleeping chair. I take different routes just to break up the sameness. Today, however, I saw two life happenings involving a bicycle. A mother was balancing her son on his bicycle as she pushed him along the sidewalk. She was giving all of her support to help him learn to ride his bicycle on his own. So many things went through my mind. The love between parent and child. The desire all parents have for their child to succeed. The efforts parents go to helping their child fit in. As she gave him one good push he sailed off...not pedaling a bit. They'll keep trying.
Then as I made my return trip I passed a young pony-tailed man on his bicycle. He was wearing work boots, raveled blue jean cutoffs and a well-used cap. He had a guitar strapped to his back, along with a small backpack. Decals covered every inch on the face of this guitar. He had the trappings of a traveler hanging from both sides of the bike. I imagined this free spirit making his way across the countryside, stopping when the mood strikes. His good friend the guitar keeping him company. What a wonderful way to experience this land of ours, from the slow-moving saddle of a bicycle. A look of peace beamed from his face.
With all of the crazy shit going on in our world, it's cool that people still enjoy life's simple pleasures. I smiled!