Hello. Well, I drank a bit too much last night, so I'm putting in a short one today. I just couldn't drag my butt out of bed at my usual hour. I've been known to sleep in after RATSO. Oh well. A good time was had by all.
We got into a discussion about two of the forbidden topics. Yep, politics and religion. It all started by bashing the respective candidates, and moved oddly to religion. It was quite interesting. There was an atheist liberal, a sudo-christian republican, a conservative Catholic and me. I'm a very liberal conservative believer with a lot of questions. After a couple of hours, it became evident why people shouldn't talk about these things. No one has any fool proof answers. These are things that can't be proven, or disproven. (Is that a word?) It all comes down to what you believe.
One of the more interesting lines of thought that came up was, "who bears the burden of proof." Is it the person who claims pigs can fly, or the person who claims that they cannot. I've always thought that both sides of an argument needed to prove their belief. But, I was converted on this point last night. After some fairly intelligent discussion, considering how far into the second bottle of brandy we were, I understood. The person claiming something to be, bears the burden of proof. I do not have to prove that it is not true, if no one claims it to be so. It's a little confusing, but if you think about it for a while, and suck down some of your favorite wobbly-pop, you'll get it.
As interesting as I found this lively talk, I have my fill for a while.